Author Archives: Lisa Larson

Court Cards as Self

A question was asked about identifying with court cards.

Answer: Personally I relate to the Knight of Cups, even though I’m female. I find this person to be outgoing, friendly and sensitive. I feel as though I am genuine and and I’m an emotional person. I feel like the Knight of Cups embodies all of those qualities.knight-of-cups

I rarely compare court cards on physical similarities, I know some people do, but I feel that to be very limiting. I also don’t confine myself to reading court cards only as people. Sometimes it’s the essence of the card or the card’s personality that is in the forefront. Vision of the Future, Vision of the Past on this blog is a good example of a court card read for a wide range of people.

Clearly that is not meant to represent the ‘personality’ of every person reading the interpretation, but it does use the essence of the card’s personality to present a message to a large mass of people.

Understanding the Court is a good book on court card interpretation. It’s the 5th one down on the page. It is a bit more advanced, so if you’re a beginner, I don’t think I’d recommend it, but I liked it. I don’t use all of it, for instance, I don’t use significators (which is very close to what you’re asking) but it did open up some interesting insights on the personalities of the cards.

One last thing, I read the court cards for years without assigning ‘people’ to them. When I read this book and opened that option for myself, I realized that the qualities & meanings I had been assigning the cards with were not any different than what I was being presented with as new material. It wasn’t new, it was just from a different perspective.

Keep all of your options open when reading the court. They are difficult cards to wrap your mind around, but like any other card in the deck, you just need to develop a ‘relationship’ with them. The more you do that, the more you will recognize which ones are most like you and which ones are not.

Hope this helps.

(If you have a question you’d like answered, please contact me or post it on Spiritcaat Tarot & Metaphysical Forum)

Beauty of Black

Black is not a color, it’s the absence of color. Black absorbs light, light creates color. Black is ruled by Saturn. black_catSaturn is ruled by the element of earth and is structured, disciplined and responsible. It can also be limiting.

When interpreting black in a card, consider not only the aspect or item that is black, but that all things in the tarot are capable of representing both positive and negative, depending on the card, on the reader, and on the position of the card.

To interpret black in a tarot reading consider these connotations:

Positive Connotations:

    • Protection (absorbs negative energy)
    • Mysterious, Hidden knowledge
    • Receptivity
    • Sophisticated
    • Powerful

Negative Connotations:

    • Absence of insight
    • Ignorance
    • Sorrow, depression
    • Draining (may absorb too much energy)

Sample Interpretation with Black:

Deck: “Tarot of the New Vision”
Card: Two of Pentaclestarot_of_the_new_vision

There is a black bird in the card. I’m not sure if it is a hawk, or a raven. At this point it is immaterial to me because the black presents me with the option to interpret the symbol as: I am free (‘as a bird’) to make the choices (the number two) I need to make and through those choices I will be protected (black.)

In a different reading in a different time I might recognize the bird as a specific type of bird, and that would be significant, as well. But, today, it’s the black that stands out to me.

In a reading, always note the element that is standing out to you at that moment. As always, choose one or two key words that are meaningful to you for that specific reading.

Tarot of the New Vision © Lo Scarabeo

Spiritual Retreat

Tarot Reflection for the week of Jan 13, 2008
8 of Pentacles

Life is tough. Sometimes we need to step back, take a break and assess what we have accomplished in our lives. It may not be everything you had hoped for, but at some point you need to understand that you are a productive human being.

We get so caught up, many times, in what we’re "suppose" to do, that we forget that we already are doing what we’re suppose to. We are on a life journey, from which to learn, that our souls have chosen for us.

Certainly our decisions can lead us down varied paths on that journey, but it’s the learning that takes place on those paths that is the important thing.

Yet, we cannot learn without work. And no matter what path we are led down, or we choose, our hope is that all of them lead to the same place — a place of spiritual enlightenment and retreat.

What we don’t realize, however, is that spiritual retreat is within us all the time. All we have to do is turn around to realize it’s there. It’s easy to get so focused on our jobs and our bills and our everyday lives that we forget to take time for ourselves. We forget to take care of ourselves. We forget to use our creative talents, or do something fun for ourselves to energize us.

It’s time to understand the life you’ve built for yourself is your path, and your imagination, hopes and dreams are your retreat. Wear your emotions, don’t weary of them. Let them speak to you in a language that’s personal to you. Know that they are leading you on an educational journey: an educational journey of your soul.

Be well. Be happy.


  • BLUE: Emotion, throat chakra
  • GREENERY: Growth, productivity
  • MOUNTAIN: Attainment, spiritual goals, spiritual retreat
  • PENTACLE: Work, security, practical matters
  • ORANGE: Solar energy, creativity
  • SEVEN: Imagination, self-reflection

Universal Waite® reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyrights © by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited.

Root Cause of Addiction

Root Cause of Addiction

“If you’ve got bad news, you want to kick the blues…cocaine.” This line from a song by J.J. Cale expresses the feelings and actions of many Americans today, yet the word cocaine can be substituted with the word pot or alcohol or food or sex or gambling or a number of other compulsive disorders. cocaineIn fact, all of these things have something in common; in excess, they may all be symptoms of having grown up in a dysfunctional environment.

Problems in dysfunctional homes usually present in one or more of three ways. Physical abuse can include beatings as well as being excessively tugged, shaken, or tickled. Sexual abuse can be covert, such as leering at a child in inappropriate ways, or overt, which can include everything from fondling to rape. Emotional abuse is most commonly thought of as stemming from parental alcoholism and substance abuse, yet it can also include yelling, berating, snide criticism, neglect, and even, in some cases, a severely strict upbringing such as can be the case in devoutly religious & controlling family units. Emotional abuse can be present without physical or sexual abuse, but where there is physical and/or sexual abuse there is always emotional abuse.

The effects on children from these types of situations, and the deep dark secrets they are compelled to keep, can become buried beyond memory and comprehension, scarring these individuals for life. Consequently, adult children of dysfunctional homes (more commonly known as ACA’s for adult children of alcoholics) become adults who bear a heavy burden of deeply rooted pain, suffer from a severe loss of self-esteem, and may fall into a state of denial about what is now known to be a disease, into a world of escapism by using and/or abusing whatever their personal drug of choice happens to be.

They are trying to escape a pain that no words can adequately describe. Susan, a 51 year old professional, tells a story about when she was 8 years old and had to lock her own father out of the house. Her mother had thrown him out of the house for his drinking and he was living in a 12 foot trailer in the front yard. He came to the door and wanted a soda. He was not drunk at the time. But Susan was alone in the house and her mother was virulent, when Susan called her at work, telling Susan not to let him in. She remembers climbing up on the kitchen sink and reaching the soda out of the kitchen window to her father. Remember, she was eight years old. These types of childhood traumas add up, and can cause such torment that victims want one thing and one thing only — to numb those feelings and the memories. How they choose to accomplish this varies with their personal drug of choice.

A drug of choice can be any compulsive/addictive behavior which acts to make these persons temporarily not feel their pain. blackjackJohn Bradshaw, a counselor, lecturer, and author of Healing The Shame That Binds You, and Bradshaw On The Family, said it this way, “Compulsive/addictive behavior is a pathological relationship to any mood altering experience that has life-damaging consequences.” Hence, addictive behavior does not have to be solely confined to drugs and alcohol. Pete Rose, one of the finest and most passionate baseball players of his time, was kicked out of baseball because of gambling. Clearly, his gambling problems had life-damaging consequences; they cost him his one great love of life!

There are, of course, other “socially acceptable” addictions such as over-eating and cigarette smoking which include not only life-damaging consequences (such as alienating others) but, more importantly, these addictions can create life-threatening consequences in the form of heart disease, lung disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. Eventually any behavior, to excess, may likely damage and even destroy lives, yet many victims allow their disease to progress, untreated, because deep down they feel shamed to the core, and believe that they don’t deserve any better.

It’s difficult to determine degree of severity between the most prevalent causes of compulsive/addictive behavior, but lack of self-esteem stemming from the shame of a dysfunctional environment rates as one of the primary root causes of such compulsive behaviors.

Lack of self-esteem allows people to endure incredible amounts of abuse, whether it be self-inflicted or at the hands of another. Because victims feel that they are worthless and want not to think about their lives, they are willing to abuse their bodies through food, drugs or alcohol, or by allowing themselves to be emotionally and/or physically beaten and battered. Furthermore, many of them get trapped in a cycle where they themselves become the abusers. They simply hate themselves so much that they take it out on children, animals and the people that they love the most. The more serious cases become violent against society.

virginia_techSome people who have grown up in extremely violent and/or abusive households build up so much rage that they just explode as is evidenced daily on the television screen, the internet and the pages of newspapers nationwide. It’s very easy to say that Eric Harris and Deren Kleebold were affected by Marilyn Manson and video games, because they both had two parents and drove BMWs. But no one knows what goes on behind the walls of a house except the people who live in that house. For far too long this country’s obsession with “family values” has decimated any hope of looking at the parents in cases such as Columbine and Virginia Tech. It’s time to at least start asking the question.

Regardless of severity, each of these victims live in their own private hell, and until people who come from dysfunctional environments are able to recognize that their problems are attributed to an insidious, hereditary disease, they will be unable to remove themselves from the spiral in which they are trapped.

The inability to recognize that problems exist is called denial. If people don’t know what’s wrong, they can’t fix it. For example, if a person who had never ridden in a well-running, well-tuned car, were to own a car that knocks and pings, that person wouldn’t know that knocking and pinging weren’t completely normal. He or she may know that the car doesn’t run very well, but it functions, and as far as this individual is concerned everybody has to put up with constant car problems because that’s the way cars are supposed to be.

By the same token, ACA’s who are in denial believe that their reality is the way that life is supposed to be. They see nothing unusual about spending their days getting high or getting hit and yelled at because that’s all they’ve ever known. It was what life was like, or modeled, in their home growing up, and as a child that was their whole world…so, in their eyes, it was everybody’s whole world. By the time they become adults, this belief system is so deeply ingrained that it becomes their reality. Consequently, they don’t understand that their symptoms of drug abuse, alcoholism, compulsive over-eating, compulsive working, compulsive spending, compulsive gambling, but to name a few, are problems that are affecting their life and which need to be addressed. Unfortunately, some can spend their whole lives in denial.

As a result of their upbringing, ACA’s are faced with heart-breaking pain, a shameful view of themselves as human beings, and the hurdle of overcoming problems that they don’t even recognize that they have. The problems of compulsive/addictive behavior go far deeper than many people realize or are willing to accept. Until society, as a whole, faces up to the causes of compulsive/addictive disorders, rather than just punishing those affected individuals, and until society begins to provide low-cost, quality mental health care geared towards these problems, it’s going to continue to be difficult for individuals to seek, and admit that they need, help. However, people are becoming more knowledgeable and attitudes are beginning to change for the better. Hopefully, with time and the willingness to learn, this knowledge of cause and effect will help the millions of people affected with symptoms of this disease, and those who love them.

For coaching assistance for addictions, see Spiritcaat.

Vision of the Past, Vision for the Future

Tarot Inspired Reflection for the week of Jan 6, 2008

It’s a new year, time for not only looking towards where you are going, but reflecting on where you have been. For, without knowing and learning from the past, how can you make your future the most fulfilling it can be?

At times, we find ourselves on the cusp of completing one aspect of our lives and moving onto another — not only physically, but spiritually. This cusp is the dividing line between that which has run it’s course and being reborn into a new vision for our lives. How is your energy affecting — and being affected by — that vision?

To know that our lives are a never-ending cycle is one way to have the strength and courage to face whatever we are leaving behind, and to move forward towards what lies ahead. We wear the robe of that renewal, knowing that by allowing our spirituality to shroud us, we can lead happier and more productive lives.

So look not only to the future, look to the past, as well. Look to see how far you have come. Look to your mistakes to see how you have grown. Look to your times of difficulty and strife, to see where it has led you and how life has a way of renewing itself.

Stay focused on your future goals with an eye on how you got to where you are. Because without the conscious knowledge of that experience, instead of using that life cycle to renew and grow, you end up just chasing your tail.


  • Green: Growth, productivity
  • King: Completion
  • Lion: Courage, strength
  • Lizard: Spirituality, cycle/renewal, vision
  • Orange: Happiness, well-being
  • Wand: Spirituality, growth

New Years Reflection

Taking Responsibility

Like Juliet, at some point you will wake from a long sleep. Let 2008 be the year in which you do that.four-of-swords

We tend to go through life, sometimes unsatisfied, sometimes unaware: unaware of our surroundings and our own mental state. Now is the time for transformation.

Like the butterfly, we only have a limited amount of time on this earth. Why waste it mired in self-pity and denial? If you have unfinished business buried in your subconscious, finish it. Not only does it affect you, but there are other beings in the world who are affected by it, whether you know it or not.

And, whether you know it or not, we are all connected. You may think that by retreating into your own little world, you are bothering no one. But your psychic energy affects everyone around you: your friends, your family, your animals. As you stumble through your fog, you may wind up driving away the people who you love the most, and once they leave, it may be too late.

Of course, you may have worn your suit of armor so long it may be difficult to get it off. If so, ask for help, in whatever form necessary. Keep in mind, that suit of armor doesn’t only keep others away, it keeps you away from yourself. This is the year to allow your heart to see the light of day.

Make this the year you come out of your cocoon, whatever that cocoon may be. Be it retreating into your own world, drinking or doing drugs, gambling, making work more important than family, eating too much, eating to little, over-compensating by constantly and inappropriately demanding to be the center of attention, constantly and inappropriately refusing to be the center of attention (ie: co-dependence,) inability to effectively communicate with others (ie: continual fights with your spouse, friends, family; continual problems at work) or any one of the other myriad of dysfunctional social behaviors, it’s time to change. It’s time to start honoring your own boundaries as well as others. Your life can only become more enriched by it.

This goes beyond making a New Year’s Resolution by saying "I’m going to lose weight," or "I’m going to stop drinking," — resolutions usually don’t work because people are trying to treat the symptom rather than the disease. This year, treat the disease. In other words, don’t just look at the problem and resolve to rectify that, resolve to rectify what causes the problem. That way, you’ll never have to make another New Year’s resolution — ever again.

Happy New Year,

Tarot of the New Vision © Lo Scarabeo

New Age Perceptions

Perceptions of Spirituality

“To ride on a broomstick and fly: combine belladonna leaves, stramonium, munkshood, and celery seeds to make an ointment. Add one toad and boil until the skin falls off the bones. Strain and apply the ointment to the body.” This seventeenth century formula, as told by Jeanne Rose in her book “Herbs and Things”, is indicative of what many people, even today, envision a psychic to be associated with.

Although, certainly, they may not think the ingredients are made up of such things as toads and bat wings, many people do believe that those who are openly psychic are ‘devil worshippers’ and practitioners of ‘black magic.’ Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, words like “new age,” “metaphysics,” “psychic” “paganism” and “occult” are merely spiritual belief systems which fall outside of the widely accepted ‘organized’ religions, such as Christianity.

Just as organized religions have their ‘tools’ that they use for rituals, such as the rosary in Catholicism, or the menorah in Judaism, many metaphysicians have tools to practice their craft and beliefs. One of the tools is “The Tarot.”

The tarot reader interprets cards of various symbolic drawings and combines that interpretation with her or his psychic abilities to gain a greater understanding of the unconscious mind. Geri, a Catholic raised, non-denominational minister, uses the Tarot as her main tool. When she was asked how people perceive her, she said, “…there are the ones who raise their eyebrows in terror. They think you’re going to cast a spell on them because they immediately label you a witch.” Contrary to that belief, however, many psychics are everyday people in everyday clothes, working everyday jobs, living everyday lives. Furthermore, these people are coming out of the closet, so to speak, using the tools of the trade, making metaphysics a viable part of life in our current world.

Today a common name for it is “New Age.” Some people call it “self-spirituality,” “new spirituality” or “new age religion,” but whereas religions are organized, “new age” is more of a ‘movement.’ Furthermore, in many organized religions, there is pressure to make others convert. New Age believers rarely subscribe to that. Geri sees it as “a complete psychological and philosophical system,” and as a way of giving people the freedom to believe in whatever they choose. “It gives you the freedom to be you,” she explains.

Ann, a reader who uses runes as her tool, sees her readings as a result of her beliefs. She defines her beliefs in this way: “We’re not a religion; to me it’s a philosophy.” She believes, as many with an interest in metaphysics do, that her beliefs are hers and that other people’s are theirs. She thinks that no one has the right to judge other people and their views on life. “The only person you have to account to is yourself,” she says, and stresses that because she’s learned to communicate with her ‘higher self’ there is no need for a middle-man, such as a Pope or a Rabbi. Additionally, even though she agrees that many religions teach good things, she expresses her beliefs this way: “I don’t think his way is any wiser than what I believe; I have the same contact with the good Lord as he has…I don’t feel like I’m anybody’s disciple.”

This is not to say, however, that Ann doesn’t keep an open mind. She takes the ideas and philosophies that work for her, leaves the rest, and doesn’t feel threatened when others have the same view of her beliefs. What are her beliefs? She believes in peaceful coexistence.

Each one [religion] has to be the one because they are afraid of the other guy; whereas, if we could all live next to each other…everybody just does their thing, believes in their own thing, as long as they don’t try to make the other one believe in the same…but, that doesn’t make for bigger populations in your religion unless you try to convert–or wipe everyone else out.

The latter has been the cause of wars for centuries.

The philosophies that New Age is loosely structured around stem from ancient far eastern religions. The idea is that all people need only to look within themselves to find the higher spiritual source that they search for. Kahlil Gibran, author of The Prophet, explains it in this way:

It is enough that you enter the temple invisible.
I can not teach you how to pray in words.
God listens to your words save when He
Himself utters them through your lips.

These lines seem to embody a very basic metaphysical belief–the belief that God, as each person perceives Her or Him to be, lives within that person, and that one must listen to oneself to truly find her or his own Higher Spirit.

One of the problems that psychics and believers of this type of ideology have are the pre-conceived notions that uninformed people have about those with alternative philosophies. In his book, “The Kabbalah”, Ponce states, “The commonly accepted picture of a mystic–or anyone for that matter who consciously seeks to find meaning on life–as a self-indulgent escapist has also contributed much to the misunderstanding of mysticism in general”.

The word “mysticism” is key here. The word relates to the word mystery: “something unexplained, unknown, or kept secret” (Webster’s). This suggests that it is really only a mystery to those who are uninformed about the subject of metaphysics. Yet, a shroud of mystery is pervasive. When asked how he generally perceives psychics, Tim, a college student who has never had a psychic reading, yet is very open-minded and curious about them, stated, “For some reason, in my mind’s eye, I’ve always seen them as gypsy type ladies, women of mystique. Of course, they’re attractive, too. They just have to be attractive for some reason.” This idea is not surprising, considering the multitude of movies and television programs that portray psychics in that very, stereotypical role.

There’s quite a difference, however, between those who are curious and those who are staunch non-believers. Tim, our college student, expresses a desire to learn more about the roots of metaphysics, specifically the Tarot, and wants to form a more reasonable understanding about it. “I know it’s not just card reading.” He states, “There’s got to be more to it than that.” In contrast, Susan, a church-going Christian, believes that the whole idea is the work of the Devil and that opening oneself up to psychic powers is opening oneself up to the evil forces that he brings.

Perhaps she is not completely wrong. It is for that precise reason that psychics have their own personalized rituals that they use for protection against those unknown forces, much like Native Americans did when they burned sage for protection. That ritual is still in use by many who practice metaphysics today.

The Tarot, runes (or stones), palmistry, and the crystal ball are all just tools that are used by psychically gifted people to tap into their power. Many psychics believe, however, that everyone has that power, more commonly known as a “sixth sense,” but that they are just not aware of it, or have just not developed it. For Geri, “It’s basically for personal growth through meditation with the [tarot] cards,” which she feels gives her direction and guidance. That, too, is what many people go to readers for, even though it may be a little scary at first.

Meg, an R.N., states she had never been read, but recently went to a seance for the first time where she was told by the medium (a person who communicates with spirits who have passed on) things that Meg knew the medium couldn’t have known any other way but telepathically. She thinks that with the ‘law of averages’ people can’t just pick things out of the air like that and be right, unless there is something more. When asked how she might feel getting a personal reading of some kind, she said, “I’m frightened [because] I just can’t explain it. But, I really can’t disbelieve it because it’s so odd.” She doesn’t feel so much that something will happen to her; rather, she is more afraid of finding out something that she really doesn’t want to know.

Meg’s perception of psychics is somewhat the same. When someone tells her about being psychic, she says she feels “…they can look right through you and know your inner feelings and inner thoughts.” She agrees that maybe she gives them credit for more power than they really have. This is not surprising though; the seed was planted early.

Although Meg stated that she had never been read, actually she had been, and just hadn’t recognized it. She relayed a story about what sounded like some sort of vagabond at the Five and Dime in Chicago, where she grew up. For a dollar, he would correctly tell the serial numbers on it. For a dollar more, he would let the people write three questions on a slip of paper, which he would then answer. Meg was at an impressionable age at the time, about 16 years old, and she wanted a car, but she did not include it in her three questions. He answered her three written questions and then, as she was leaving, he said, “Oh yeah, don’t worry. You’re going to get that car you want.” It made such an impression on her that she tried to get her mother to go back with her, to no avail. She, herself, went back to look for the man, but he was gone, never again to be found.

“New Age” is not new. As Geri says, “It is just the current name. With each generation it’s becoming more acceptable.” In fact, she ascertains that she has read of it being called “New Age” as far back as the early 1800’s; before that, people were hanged because of it. That shows that even though tactics may have changed, human nature surely hasn’t.

Throughout history, most of the major wars have been rooted in and fought over religious beliefs. Even today, we are in a war with fundamentalist underpinnings. The Middle East has not seen peace for many people’s lifetimes and it continues to either spread or move around. Why? Because those ethnocentric people are threatened by, and demonize, anyone who doesn’t have identical beliefs, organized religion or not.

But those who eschew organized religion and are involved in spiritual and psychic beliefs are not the “devil worshippers” portrayed in the movies and in modern propaganda. To the contrary. Most are just everyday people want to live their lives in the best way that they know how, and they are willing to let others do the same. It seems like a fair enough proposition.

Christmas Contemplation

Health and Giving

The message this card is giving me for this Christmas week istwo-of-cups the idea that what is really important about Christmas is not the giving and getting of gifts, which has become such a commercial obsession in this country (the U.S.), but the sharing of ourselves.

This is a time to appreciate the things we have in life and share them with the ones we love. We make this decision consciously.

Did you get up this morning and brush your teeth this morning? How fortunate for you. Many people cannot. Many people do not because it’s so low on their survival scale.

If you are in reasonably good health, and you have family members you love and who love you, now is the time to put a little extra thought into appreciating those blessings.

The spirit of Christmas is peace. Peace with yourself and peace with others. Please enjoy it and carry it with you into the new year, every day of that year, and the years beyond.

I wish all of you who celebrate Christmas a very merry one. I wish all of you who do not, the peace, we would all hope, that comes with the season.