Author Archives: Lisa Larson

Tarot Collection Available

I have a friend who is parting with a large collection of tarot cards and books in a lot. If anyone is interested, please contact skyword at sbcglobal dot net.


You can see an additional picture on my forum.

Tarot Decks & Sets:

Many cards are still in plastic or shrink wrapped inside box.
See following codes in blue for each item:

New Box Sealed: NBS
New Deck Sealed: NDS
As New Unsealed: ANU
Good–Slight Use: GSU

1. Egyptian Tarots 23.00 ANU
2. Book of Thoth Tarot: Etteilla 25.00 NBS
3. Dante Tarot 60.00 NBS
4. Prediction Tarot 45.00 ANU
5. Ishbel’s Temple of Isis Tarot 60.00 ANU
6. Quick & Easy Tarot 15.00 NDS
7. Motherpeace Round Tarot with 2 guide books 28.00 ANU
8. Renaissance Tarot and guide book 24.00 ANU
9. Tarot of Sepiroth 16.00 NDS
10. Oswald Wirth Tarot 50.00 ANU
11. Tree of Life Tarot 22.00 NDS
12. Ramses Tarot of Eternity 54.00 NBS
13. Goddess Tarot (24.00 for 1 with book, or 2 Decks w/book 36.00 NDS
14. Faery Wicca Tarot 16.00 NBS
15. Leonardo DaVinci Tarot 12.00 NBS
17. Medieval Scapini Tarot 18.00 NBS
18. Native American Tarot (U.S. Games) 18.00 NDS w/book 24.00
19. Tarot of the Spirit 16.00 with book 24.00 ANU
20. Medicine Woman Tarot 15.00 with 19.00 NDS
21. Unicorn Tarot 18.00 NDS
23. Robin Wood Tarot 12.00 ANU
25. Tarot of the III Millennium 16.00 NBS
26. Haindl Tarot 16.00 ANU
27. Enchanted Tarot (Lo Scarabeo version) 20.00 NBS
28. Authentic Egyptian Tarot 20.00 ANU
29. Gendron Tarot (16.00) or 2 decks 28.00 NBS
30. Barbara Walker Tarot 30.00 ANU
31. Tarot of the Imagination 55.00 NBS
33. Vampire Tarot 18.00 or 2 for 30.00 NBS
34. Bosch Tarot 60.00 NBS
35. Gothic Tarot of Vampires 18.00 NBS
36. Morgan-Greer Tarot 16.00 NBS
37. Pagan Tarot 16.00 NBS
38. Golden Tarot of the TSAR 40.00 NDS
39. Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot 14.00 GSU
41. Deva Tarot (18.00) 2 decks 30.00 NDS & ANU
42. New Century Tarot 16.00 NDS
43. Golden Dawn Tarot Deck 20.00 ANU
46. Tarot of Transition 30.00 NBS
47. The Witches Tarot 20.00
48. Tarot of the Sphynx 80.00 NDS
49. Witchy Tarot 16.00 NBS
51. Tarot of the Ages 40.00 NDS
53. Egipcios Kier Tarot 95.00 ANU
54. Tarot of the Journey to the Orient 50.00 NBS
55. The Herbal Tarot 16.00 NDS
56. Comparative Tarot 40.00 NBS
57. Esoteric Ancient Tarots 60.00 NBS
58. Ibis Tarot 24.00 NDS
59. Santa Fe Tarot 40.00 NDS
61. Tarot of the Cat People 18.00 ANU
62. Hermetic Tarot 16.00 NDS
63. Egyptian Tarot Deck & Book Set 25.00 NDS
64. Spiral Tarot 24.00 for 1 or 40.00 for 2 Deck & Book Sets NBS
65. Jungian Tarot Deck & Book Set 20.00 NBS
66. Daughters of the Moon Tarot 25.00 deck and book ANU
67. Universal Tarot Deck & Book Set 26.00 ANU
69. One World Tarot Deck & Book Set 18.00 Deck & Book Set NBS
70. Destiny Tarot 20.00 Deck & Book Set NBS
71. Merlin Tarot 50.00 Deck & Book Set ANU
72. The Egyptian Tarot 20.00 Deck & Book Set NDS
73. Osho Zen Tarot 18.00 Deck & Book Set with added book 24.00 NBS
74. Quest Tarot Deck & Book Set 25.00 NBS
75. Via Tarot Deck & Book Set 32.00 NBS
76. Transformational Tarot Deck & Book Set 18.00 GSU
77. Minchiate Tarot 25.00 Deck & Book Set (Destiny version) NBS
78. Shakespearian Tarot Deck & Book Set 55.00 ANU
80. Sacred Circle Tarot 19.00 Deck & Book Set NBS
82. William Blake Tarot of the Creative Imagination Deck & Book Set $50.00 (box/ book corner slight tear) GSU
83. Legend of the Arthurian Tarot 33.00 Deck & Book Set NDS
84. Pythagorean Tarot 35.00 Deck & Book Set NBS
86. Complete Tarot Kit Deck & Book Set 26.00 NBS
88. Tarot of the Saints 20.00 Deck & Book Set NBS
89. Tarot Affirmations 18.00 NDS

Oracle Decks:

1. The Art of the Pendulum by Maxi Cohen 14.00 NBS
3. Tree of Life Oracle Deck & Book Set 20.00 NBS
4. The Way of Cartouche Deck & Book Set 30.00 ANU
5. Inner Child Cards 30.00 Deck & Book Set GSU
6. Book of Doors 16.00 Deck & Book Set GSU
7. Angel Voices the Astrological Holy Oracle Deck & Book Set 20.00 NDS
8. Cards of Alchemy Deck & Book Set 16.00 NBS
10. Kabbalah Deck & Book Set 14.00 NBS
11. Celestial Wisdom Cards Deck & Book Set 12.00 ANU
12. Angelic Messenger Cards Deck & Book Set 24.00 ANU
13. Egyptian Oracle Deck & Book Set 16.00 ANU
15. Angel Blessings Guidance Inspiration Cards Deck & Book 12.00 GSU
16. Rituals: Light for the Soul Book, Candles & Cards Set 12.00 NBS

Interview with Marta Williams

We have a new feature: Interviews with professionals. We are so fortunate to have our first interview with one of the most well-known and well-respected communicators in the field: Marta Williams.

marta_williamsMarta has written three books:
Learning Their Language,
Beyond Words, and
Ask Your Animal.

I have only read her first book, Learning Their Language: Intuitive Communication with Animals and Nature, but I absolutely love it. I can’t think of a better book for a new AC’er to start with. It has great exercises and is written in an easy to read style.

I did a workshop with Marta and it was wonderful. She is a natural teacher, as you can easily see by not only her interview itself, but by her taking the time to give it to us. You can find her at her website here.

So, I hope you find her words of wisdom helpful in your quest to become the best animal communicator … ever!


• How do you describe animal communication to those who are unfamiliar with what it is?

I describe it as hits and hunches that we get intuitively that give us some unexplained and unsolicited information about something. Everyone can relate to having an intuitive hunch about a person or about some proposed activity. Communicating with animals intuitively has the same feeling as this only its more controlled and more drawn out. When you get a hunch or it from your intuition it can come in as an idea, a word or phrase in your mind, an image in your mind’s eye, and a feeling.

• What tips would you give to students of animal communication who are just starting out?

Take what you get without trying to spruce it up or make it right. The best way to achieve accuracy is to go with the first impression that comes to you and record it exactly as it comes in. Then go to the next one and so on. If you can keep it this simple you’ll be home free.

• Can you share some easily verifiable questions to ask the animals for people just starting out?

Some good ones are:

Tell me who else you live with (people and animals) – what do they look like and how do you feel about them?

Is there anything you are worried about? (If you get a yes ask what)

Has anything changed in your life recently? (If you get a yes ask what)

• Do you lean more towards getting your messages visually, audibly, or sentiently, or is it a combination of all? Does it change with each animal?

I get a combination and it does vary with the animal and truthfully I completely don’t worry about how information is coming in, the form, I just work on capturing it accurately. If I want something as a picture or as words I ask the animal to send it to me that way.

• Do you use the sense of smell or taste? If so, how does one become more proficient at that?

I use it for lost animal cases to get information on where they might be and to get clues. You just ask for it from every animal you talk to. So you could ask the animal to send you a favorite taste or smell, but watch out for those species differences….

• Why do you do what you do (communicate with animals)? And how do you feel it benefits humanity? How do you feel it benefits the animals?

It helps animals get their needs met and be able to tell people how they feel and what they need. It also helps animals demonstrate to people the depth of their intelligence, emotion and spirituality. I believe that humans and the natural world used to be in constant connection through intuitive communication and that humans used to consider themselves truly just a part of a nature and they considered nature a community of equals. It’s all alive, It’s all intelligent……
By bringing this skill back to modern humans I hope I am helping to reconstruct that connection of all living things.

• What would you recommend to students who are juggling with their full time jobs and/or school and/or children and trying to squeeze in time to do AC?

Work with your own animals every day. It only takes a minute. Do the exercise Ask For a Question. Ask your animal if he or she has a question for you. Whatever question occurs to you assume it is from your animal and answer as best you can. Then ask for another question and answer that one. Keep asking until the questions stop.

• When skeptics challenge you, how do you handle it? Do you answer at all, and if so, how do you respond?

I’m not too interested in convincing skeptics. There are plenty of people who are interested and want to learn how to do this. However, students can be very skeptical of their own ability. In that regard I have developed techniques they can use to prove to themselves that this ability is real using verifiable exercises. Each of my books includes such exercises. You are actually your own worst critic so once you prove it to yourself it really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.


Great interview. Thanks, Marta!

Beautiful Blue

Key words: Cool, dispassionate, peace, contentment, heaven, truth, loyalty, sincerity, harmony, ‘as above, so below.’

There is no greater calming force than to sit on a beach and gaze at the vastness of the ocean oceanmeeting the freedom of the the sky. Even though there appears to be a dividing line of color at the horizon, it’s as though it all becomes one.

Such an image encompasses the epitome of what blue represents. Delving our gaze into the depth of the water inspires meditation, peacefulness & tranquility allowing us to align our three selves into oneness.

Three selves:
• Low-self (subconscious, or “Ku” in Huna teachings)
• Middle-self (conscious mind, or “Lono”)
• High-self (super-conscious, universal spirit, or “Kane”)

Water represents emotion and the sky is the element of air, which represents thought and intellect. Put those two together and we are able to use our emotional being to look within ourselves in an introspective and self-reflective manner.

If you keep in mind the sky/water image, it will help you remember in that this connection also represents the idea of “as above, so below.” This saying means that all things are one. And when you close your eyes and imagine blue, doesn’t it give you that sense of peace which would allow you to feel that oneness within yourself?

Once you feel that oneness, it is an easy jump to understand how blue symbolizes truth, honesty, loyalty, sincerity and devotion. It would be hard not to be those things when all of our once fragmented selves are perfectly aligned with each other and the universe.

But just as fire warms, water cools. We look to blue when we want someone to ‘cool down’. When blue is overactive, someone might give us ‘the cold shoulder,’ or we might be ‘feeling blue.’ moonRemember that colors, like everything else in life, have both positive and negative connotations. How we use them, or how we interpret them in a reading is what makes the difference.

Similarly, not only is there positive and negative of the colors, but the depth of the color is significant, as well. While Jupiter rules the darker blues, with it’s spiritual overtones, the Moon rules not only white, but light blue, linked to intuition and insight.

Lastly, blue is the color of the throat chakra where we communicate. One very important method of communication is through our creativity, the other is to understand that not only do we communicate interpersonally with others, but we communicate intra-personally. Blue reminds us that we need to listen to our inner voice. It may have something very important to say!

To interpret blue in a tarot reading consider these connotations:

Positive & Neutral Connotations
— Cool, Introverted
— Creativity, Emotion
— Intuition, Meditation, Dreams
— Honesty, Truth, Integrity
— Fidelity, Devotion
— Heaven, Connection with the Divine
— Harmony, Balance, Peace, Contentment, Stability

Negative Connotations
— Cold, Aloof, Dispassionate
— Depression, Sadness

Sample Interpretation with Blue:

Deck: Universal Waite, Pocket Edition
Card: King of Pentacles

Here is a man, separated from his home (wall between him and the castle) holding an earthly possession (pentacle) and cloaked in a garment with purple grapes & green leaves. king-of-pentaclesThis is an example of how small use of color in a card can be very meaningful if that is what sticks out to you in a reading. At first glance, we don’t notice much blue here. But on closer inspection we see not only the grapes and leaves, but that his garment has blue trimmings and one of the steeple roofs on the castle is blue.

Traditionally, this might be a man of finance, trustworthy & honest (blue in the garment), but I drew this card asking to give me not only a card with blue, but one which tells me something I, personally, need to know.

Remember that when you read, book meanings go only so far. You have to read from your intuition for the person you’re reading for. So what blue in this card represents for me, at this point in my life, is this: This is a person who is currently bogged down with earthly material matters. But in being so, there is emotional (blue) fruitfulness and growth (grapes and leaves) if I am willing to accept it as such. This emotional growth, however, still seems to be under the surface (blue) – not something I am yet carrying — or ‘shouldering’ (the blue is only on the robe below the shoulders). I seem still more to be stuck in the morass of earthbound matters.

The wall between me and my ‘castle’, along with the blue and red roofs, tell me that I am still removed from feeling as though I have a the secure home (blue) that I so desperately desire (red).

There is also a bit of blue in the background, but we can’t really tell if it’s an ocean, or blue hills. Because it doesn’t look completely level to me, I am seeing it as blue rolling hills. I see this as an fluid (blue) wisdom (blue and hills) that I have yet to turn around and ‘see’ or ‘look at’ which, in turn, might give me some of the security that I am seeking.

As always, choose one or two key words that are meaningful to you for that specific reading.


  • "Pictures from the Heart: A Tarot Dictionary” by Sandra A. Thomson
  • "Color Magic for Beginners" by Richard Webster
  • A. Venefica’s Tarot Teachings
  • Peaceful Purple

    Key words: Spirituality, insight, intuitiveness, royalty, sacred connection to the divine.

    Visualize a rainbow. At the far end of the spectrum is purple. It’s also the color that is least seen when the rainbow is weak and incomplete.

    rainbowWe can equate this with our own spirituality. When our own energy field is weak, we are least in touch with our spiritual, intuitive side, and we feel incomplete.

    Don’t we all want to be all the colors of the rainbow? To complete ourselves, most of us need to feel, in a sense, a sacred connection with the divine whatever that divine may be for that individual. To do that, we need to seek that which is most mysterious and elusive. That which is unseen to us, but can be divined by us through our own intuition & introspection. With that, we can become truly inspired to bring the magic into our lives that we deserve.

    Purple is ruled by Jupiter, whose astrological symbol is a “…lunar crescent rising above the cross of the four elements and becoming receptive to the light of Spirit.” Jupiter is a planet which represents expanding social awareness and insight through knowledge. To seek that knowledge takes courage inspired by red combined with the serenity inspired by blue, the two primary colors which make purple.

    Purple is the color of the third-eye chakra which we use for our intuitive insight & introspection. (Some people consider purple to be that of the crown chakra. I and others see the crown chakra as being the pure white universal white.) By meditating and being in balance with purple, we gain a sense of direction, creativity & universal love without judgement.

    To interpret purple in a tarot reading consider these connotations:

    Positive & Neutral Connotations
    — Inspiration & Devotion
    — Spiritual & Intuitive
    — Tolerance and Peace
    — Authority
    — Creativity
    — Royalty & Sophistication
    — High ideals, connection with the divine
    — Sense of direction

    Negative Connotations
    — Lonely
    — Isolated
    — Lack of responsibility

    Sample Interpretation with Purple:

    Deck: “Universal Waite Pocket Edition”
    Card: Several

    Usually I choose one card to analyze for it’s color, but in choosing for purple, I realized how relatively few cards have purple in them. I am using the pocket edition of the “Universal Waite” deck, so I will analyze in general terms and address specific differences.

    To begin, let me say that the shade of a color indicates different things. Pictures from the Heart by Thomson states, “In general, lighter colors symbolize the conscious mind, while darker colors symbolize the workings of the unconscious.” (I will revise that to say the “sub-conscious,” as I feel they are two different things, in keeping with Jung’s theories.)

    The 3 of pentacles; 4 of wands; 6 and king of swords, The Lovers and The World all have purple garments in them. Think of a person being ‘cloaked’ in something. This garment or article of clothing may represent an attitude the figure is ‘wearing’ or an outward representation of what they really feel or who they really are.

    For instance, the child in the 6 of swords is cloaked in a light purple garment. Depending on the reading, this may represent the idea that within our inner child lies our most intuitive thoughts, actions and reactions. And if we want to head to calmer times, we need to follow that intuition or “gut” feeling using a strong sense of direction. In other cards the purple garment may represent authority, sophistication or a good sense of judgement &/or tolerance.

    The ace, 2, 3, and 9 of wands; the ace, 5, and 8 of swords; the 7 of pentacles and The Star all have purple mountains. Many times, mountains represent attainment. 6_of_swords In many of these cards, what we want to attain is spiritual enlightenment, or perhaps inspiration to attain our goals.

    In the case of The Moon, we also have a purple crab, the sign of Cancer. What does a crab do? Think about it. Where does it live? Answer: within it’s own protective shell. It has pinchers to further protect itself. But this crab is purple and it’s emerging from the water (emotion.) Perhaps it is emerging from it’s protective shell to risk change (towers in the background) by seeking higher knowledge & spirituality.

    The Devil, and the 9 and king of pentacles, all have purple grapes in them. Grapes, in and of themselves, may mean abundance and fruitfulness. But some grapes are green in real life, why purple here? Perhaps the abundance that we seek is the abundance of inner peace bunched with a connection to a higher source.

    In all of these cards we see the purple grapes together with green (healing, growth, renewal.) And isn’t it a renewal of our soul to grow into our own spiritual reality?

    Additionally, there are other various depiction of purple throughout the cards: backdrops & sky (Justice & The Hanged Man), one a veil waiting to reveal psychic secrets of the subconscious, or perhaps projecting a sense of royalty; the other the sky, maybe a representation of the collective unconscious.

    The ground (Knight of Pentacles) and a mattress (9 of Swords) give us sure footing, emboldening our sense of direction, and a place to become introspective when out-of-balance, lonely or isolated. It may also represent a place to reduce worry and stress.

    And, of course, we find purple on the wings of the archangels in both The Lovers and the Judgement cards. These are entities which represent a spiritual authority to us. They are magical and mystical by nature, but faith in their existence allows us to receive their divine guidance.

    Purple is a fascinating color. Some may lean blue, some may lean red. Which of those you see in a reading, and how you interpret them within the context of the rest of the cards are what makes you unique in your abilities as a tarot advisor.

    As always, choose one or two key words that are meaningful to you for that specific reading.

    Pictures from the Heart: A Tarot Dictionary? by Sandra A. Thomson
    “Color Magic for Beginners”? by Richard Webster
    A. Venefica’s Tarot Teachings

    James Van Praagh

    We saw James Van Praagh at a book signing last night, for his new book vanpraaghGhosts Among Us I don’t ever watch the Ghost Whisperer, but he was really interesting. I knew a lot of what he talked about, but he was pretty down to earth and had some interesting stories.

    But the bigger thing was how the universe puts things into place for you.  I have been getting messages for the past year or so that I should be learning mediumship and healing. It’s a big reason why we moved, because I was stagnant up where I lived. Since I’ve moved, I’ve met so many people with great energy. Last night was no different.

    First of all, when he took questions, I told him I was an animal communicator and asked why I might have so much easier time connecting with animals who have passed over than I do with humans. His answer made perfect sense. He said because to connect with the other side, you connect through the vibrational energy of love. And since animals are unconditional love, and humans are by nature judgmental, it’s harder to achieve the right level of vibrational energy to connect across, whereas with animals, it’s just there. Okay, good. Makes sense. But it’s what happened afterwards that blew me away.

    As we were walking out, we started talking to this woman on the street with the most adorable little — miniature collie?  I don’t know if that’s the right name. But she asked where we had been and when she found out, she got so excited and asked if we did ‘stuff like that’. I told her all that I do, and she was just fascinated.

    Meanwhile, I was fascinated with her. She was …. so …. innocent. She had this wide-eyed child-like quality and I just … connected with her on a really emotional level. I didn’t know why. Especially when another woman came out of the store (someone who I had been talking to before the program) and and gave me a big goodbye hug. I looked at the two of them, and the two were so different.

    Listening to the chat between them made me feel as though the woman with the dog has really been told all of her life that she is not very smart, but sort of accepts it, even if self-conscious about herself.

    We all hugged and left, but I couldn’t get “L” (the woman with the dog) out of my mind. I couldn’t understand, how by all external appearances, we really had little in common but I felt such an emotional connection to her.

    When I hugged her goodbye, she commented how nice the hug was. And for me, it was like I felt a true deep love for her. vanpraagh It was so strange. And then it hit me. I honestly believe I was talking to a friend of mine who died of breast cancer several years ago. She and “L” were so much alike, but it was more than that. When I left, and realized who she reminded me of, I didn’t start feeling sad, missing my friend (she and I had been very close), I felt like I just had the opportunity to speak with her. It wasn’t sad to think of her not here anymore, I felt joyful like I had just been able to see her.

    It then dawned on me that the universe was trying to make me understand what it is like to connect on that vibrational level, to a human who has passed, just as Van Praagh had told me.

    Van Praagh also said that the most common way spirits connect with us is through our dreams. I then went on to be visited by my baby girl, Puma, in my dreams last night. It was so wonderful to see her. I guess all of this is a matter of perspective, huh.


    Tarot for iPhone Users

    While I don’t think any form of electronic tarot is particular effective as a true divinatory tool, if I had an iPhone, I’d lay out the two bucks for this just for the fun of it.

    You can buy and download a copy through the iTunes store. (*Note: this link will open up iTunes on your computer.)

    First Steps to Animal Communication

    Steps to getting started in your first communications

    — Close your eyes, take at least three deep breaths. With each exhale, imagine all negative energy draining out the bottom of your feet and disintegrating in the earth below.

    cairoWith each inhale, imagine breathing in pure white light from the universe.

    As all of the negative energy leaves your body, imagine the white light filling up all that space. When there is no space left in your body, imagine that white light (I imagine it with beautiful little gold or blue sparkling specks) flowing out over the top of your head and engulfing your body like a cocoon.

    – Ask the universe, or your higher self, or whatever source you choose, to help you connect with the animal you are about to speak with.

    — See the animal in it’s environment. Take a moment to sit quietly with him or her and get a feel for his/her ‘feline-ality’, ‘canine-ality’ ‘esquine-ality’ etc.

    Remember that every animal has it’s own personality, just as humans do. Some are outgoing and talkative and will start talking before you know what hit you. Others are shy and reserved. Some are funny, some are serious, etc.

    Feel the personality, just like you would when meeting a human, so that you get a feel for boundaries and conversational approach.

    — Remember common courtesy. Remember that you are coming out of the blue to these animals, introduce yourself and ask their permission to speak with them.

    — Have a ‘conversation’ with them. If their person has given you questions, that’s fine, but don’t pepper them as if they are being interrogated. Work the questions into the ‘conversation.’

    — It’s rude in any circles to just leave a conversation without saying goodbye, show the same courtesy to animals.

    — … For doing such a good job. Because, surely, you did.

    • Start slow and keep the conversation light.

    • Don’t try to ‘fix’ a behavioral problem until you have learned more, you might make it worse.

    • Have fun with it. It’s not brain surgery, and most animals are giving and grateful for the attention.

    • Remember that the best way to learn and gain confidence is to simply ‘jump in’ and get experience. The more validation you receive, the more confidence you will achieve. But you can’t get the validation without taking the risk: conversing and presenting it to the animal’s person.

    • If you’re still uncomfortable jumping in, consider speaking to an animal of one of the communicators on the board. We fully understand what you’re feeling.

    (To practice communicating with animals, visit the
    Spiritcaat Animal Communication Practice Forum.

    Two of Cups Analysis

    Weekly Tarot for Mar. 2. 2008

    Card: Two of Cups
    Deck: Universal Waite Tarot (Pkt)
    Key words: Union (two persons or of self), Self-Development, Balance, Resolution of conflict, Reconciliation


    Okay, this is just getting ridiculous now. I draw dozens of cards for myself every week and the only time I draw this one is when I am writing these weekly contemplations.

    Obviously, I’m either not getting something about myself, or I’m not getting something about how I should be presenting this card to you. I’m going to go with the latter since I never get this card any other time.

    I am going to analyze the crap out of this card.

    When I analyze a card, the first thing I do, & this is a good thing for you to do in your tarot journal if you have one, is to objectively describe everything you see in the card.

    I see two people here, each holding a cup. What hovers over them is an orange winged lion with a caduceus beneath him. The woman wears a white garment, cloaked in blue, with a green wreath on her head. The man wears a yellow/brown garment, with a pink wreath on his head, yellow tights and brown shoes.

    In the background are green rolling hills, with scattered trees, and a red roofed house in the distance. The sky is blue.

    Once you’ve described it objectively, then assess what the symbols mean.
    We can put this together like this:

    Depending on the reading and the interpretation, as in any card, this may be positive or negative. We are not sure whether the man is taking the cup from the woman, or whether the woman has just received the cup from the man.

    Her blue cloak tells us she may be ‘wearing her heart on her sleeve.’ She wears a green wreath that tells us she has gone, or is going through, a growth period. Her white clothing may denote a process of reflection or her innocence in the relationship, if this relates to a relationship with another person. (It may also indicate a relationship between two opposites of the self.)

    The man is wearing yellow and brown, maybe indicating he is approaching this relationship from a more intellectual and grounded viewpoint, whereas her blue cloak indicates an emotional one. Or it may mean, in positive terms that he is feeling carefree about the relationship, or in negative terms, feeling some fear about it. He also wears brown boots: it appears to be a grounded person, and he feels that his groundedness protects him. His pink wreath may indicate that no matter how he presents himself, his purpose is pure.

    Hovering over them, in front of a blue sky, is an orange winged lion attached to a caduceus. This tells me that the relationship (either with this other person or with one’s self) is charged with “Mana” or “life force” which comes from solar energy. It may indicate that this relationship is in a healing, communicative stage, which may carry it from one level to another, in a higher sense. This healing energy hovers over them and protects them during a process of change, which can always be difficult.

    The fact that there are two cups may indicate that there is a decision to be made, or steps to be taken, in order to achieve the balance and unity these people, or this person, is seeking.

    In the background we see a red-roofed house in the distance, nestled in a grove of trees on some green rolling hills. This may indicate the desire of these people to open themselves up to one another (or to one’s self) by revealing the deepest darkest secrets that reside in their hearts.

    They do this knowing that it may be a step towards growth or reconciliation (if appropriate) in the relationship, that it may nourish the relationship, and that this ability to bare one’s soul in such a way, to self or to another, may only be possible by the wisdom we accrue from our own contemplative and meditative process about our lives, our purpose and our life experiences.

    The Two of Cups is a card of relationships. One with another or with one’s self. The process of choosing and change can be difficult, but without it, we would be unbalanced and off center. There is a positive and negative aspect to all cards, just as there is to all life. One without the other would be unnatural. If we choose to center our selves, it can only work towards ‘a more perfect union’ of body, mind, and spirit. The more perfect the union within ourselves, the more chance we will have a that ‘perfect union’ with another.


    — Boots: Protection
    — Caduceus: Healing, Communication
    — Cloak (Blue): Love, loyalty, devotion, emotion, ‘Wearing heart on sleeve’
    — Cups: Emotions, relationships, fulfillment
    — Rolling Hills: Ancient wisdom, nourishment
    — House: Deepest secret, tender part of heart, protection, value, security
    — Sky (Blue): Overseeing spirit, heaven
    — Trees: Regeneration, growth, life-process, element of air (thought, intellect)
    — Two: Duality, balance, union, decision
    — Wreaths: Victorious Spirit (Green: growth, Pink: Purity of purpose)
    — Winged Lion: Transmutation from lower self to higher self


    — Blue: Communication, justice, melancholy, spiritual wisdom, creativity, sub-conscious
    — Brown: Groundedness
    — Green: Regeneration; Growth
    — Orange: Solar Energy, The Changing Process
    — Pink: (Cross Red/White:) Purity in purpose. (my interpretation)
    — Red: Life-force, action, purpose will, willpower, might, force
    — White: Light, process of reflection, spirit, truth, innocence purity
    — Yellow: Intellect, sunlight, carefree, light-hearted, fearful (cowardly)

    As always, when reading a card choose only the symbols that stand out to you, and a couple of key words that work for you for that specific reading.

    If you have found value in this, more than the reflections I’ve been writing, please leave a comment, or email me and let me know. This site is rather new and I would love suggestions about the things which would help you most, as I am building it.


    “Pictures from the Heart: A Tarot Dictionary” by Sandra A. Thomson
    “Tarot Teachings”

    Universal Waite® reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyrights © by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited.

    New Possibilities

    Card of the Week
    Tarot Lessons by Example
    For the week of Feb. 24. 2008

    Card: Ace of Wands
    Deck: Illuminated Tarot
    Key Words: Developing ideas, initiative, creativity

    If you look hard enough, you can see gifts being offered from a higher source. Those gifts come from within you. Now is the time to look inward to see where your inner guides can take you.

    It’s time to look at the creative endeavors you envision with eagerness and excitement, rather than fear and trepidation.

    Whatever negative messages given you in the past, that may prevent you from having the courage to act on your ideas, are far removed from your current life. The safety and security you sought from other people are now things you are capable of giving yourself.

    In seeing that you have too much growth between the past and the present, you can discard those messages and seek out advice from your own inner guides.

    By looking inward, you can develop courage to develop your ideas, and the confidence to understand you are capable to complete any endeavor you embark on with resounding success and purity of purpose.

    Once you open yourself to your ‘self,’ you open yourself up to new possibilities and a different way of looking at things. The next time you get an ‘epiphany,’ seemingly out of nowhere, you will be able to act on it, and manifest it, with excitement and purpose.

    Symbols Used
    — Castle: Safety, security (left side: may be influenced by family of origin)
    — Clouds: Epiphany, bright idea ‘out of nowhere’, messages from the divine
    — Budding Leaves (10): Potential to complete task
    — Yods (8): Channelling divine energy to organize and manifest ideas

    Colors Used:
    Green: Regeneration, Growth
    Purple: Spiritual insight & knowledge
    Red: Action, purpose, will
    Pink (cross between red & white): Purity in purpose

    “Pictures from the Heart: A Tarot Dictionary” by Sandra A. Thomson
    — A. Venefica’s Tarot Teachings

    Universal Waite® reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyrights © by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited.

    Outstanding Orange

    Key words: Warm, determined, authoritative, energtic, action; Compassion, harmony, sociability, harvest

    Imagine yourself on a beach at sunset. An orange ball of flames sits on the horizon, it’s dominance in nature allows it to fill the sky with color. sunsetThis majestic sight, all at once, inspires awe at the determination with which it presents itself, and warms us in it’s presence. Orange is ruled by the sun, it’s symbol is fire and flames.

    Yet as the sun warms, it can also burn. The sun represents our ego. While orange can represent our creative energy, it can also make us forget our need to be humble, making us overly prideful, restless and impatient with those around us.

    As fire warms, it can also burn. The energy of flames is mesmerizing and meditative but, out of control, it can move impulsively and recklessly.

    Sitting between red (Mars) and yellow (Mercury) on the color scale, orange doesn’t have the passion or aggression of red, but has a fiery, authoritative, determined, energy, giving us ambition, moving us to take action. Not quite reaching the airy happiness of yellow, it has a calm joy: a harvesting of the fulfillment we seek.

    In that vein, orange is the color of the second chakra, which sits between the red root chakra and the yellow solar plexis chakra. The orange sacral chakra controls our sense of well-being & contentment.

    To interpret orange in a tarot reading consider these connotations:

      Positive & Neutral Connotations:
      — Warmth
      — Energy, action
      — Sociability
      — Authority
      — Creativity
      — Harvest, fulfullment
      — Encouraged by new ideas

      Negative Connotations:
      — Lack of humbleness
      — Restlessness
      — Impatience
      — Impulsive action

    Sample Interpretation with Orange

    Deck: “Albano Mini”
    Card: Ace of Wandsace-of-wands

    A hand, holding a wand, emerges from a cloud in front of an orange sky. There is an excitement in the air (orange) about the growth (wands, green landscape) of a new venture (ace.) The (hypothetical) person this reading is for, is encouraged at the prospect of the venture and has the drive and determination to put any plan into action which will ultimately lead to the harvest of the fruits of their labor.

    As always, choose one or two key words that are meaningful to you for that specific reading.

    “Pictures from the Heart: A Tarot Dictionary” by Sandra A. Thomson
    “Color Magic for Beginners” by Richard Webster
    A. Venefica’s Tarot Teachings
    Diva Botanicals

    Albano Tarot® reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyrights © by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited.