Author Archives: Lisa Larson

Power Animal Oracle: Porcupine


Today’s Card: PORCUPINE

Daily Inspiration: Oracle Card for the Day

You have all the resources you need.

Embrace your innocence. Maintain your sense of wonder, no matter the circumstances.

Remove the stinging barbs from the past and let them fester no more. Release guilt and shame and recognize that your vulnerable and gentle soul deserves to dance, sing and be happy.

Card shown is from Power Animal Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer

Power Animal Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer

Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews

Getting your first cat

Someone asked advise about getting a cat for the first time: Here are some salient points every cat parent should be aware of:
Hey! Congrats on your new cat.
Here are some tips to remember:

1. Keep all lilies out of the house. They are highly toxic and can kill your cat within days.

2. Do not feed your cat onions, garlic, chocolate … those are the biggies, but there are many others. Go online and download a list of do’s and don’ts as far as what cats can eat. To be on the safe side, don’t feed them human food.

3. Feed him/her GOOD food. I prefer a company called Natura which makes a food called EVO. I like this company because, aside from being natural (Truly natural, not Purina natural) 😉 – they were one of the few companies that did not use the Menu Foods processing plant that killed so many kitties. They are meticulous on their standards and I believe the get none of their product from China. Wet food is better for them, get some natural hard treats or an occasional dry food to keep their teeth clean. I wouldn’t go for raw right now, since you are new to kitty guardianship. Evo is a great food. We use the original formula.

4. Get pet insurance: Pet Plan — This is a great company, good rates, and I think will insure pets under 9 years old, but you’ll have to check. I’ve had three claims with them and they were swift and professional. Can’t recommend them highly enough.

5. Cats don’t usually drink that much water unless you’re feeding them dry food. If you see them drinking A LOT, tell your vet. But, by all means, change his/her water every day and wipe out the bowl or it starts to get slimy.

725px-tuxedo_kitten6. Watch to make sure s/he doesn’t have a propensity for eating things like string or tinsel or thread or curling ribbon. It can get stuck in their intestines causing blockages that require surgery. (Did I mention I’ve had several claims paid on Pet Plan?) 😉

7. Everybody has a different view on this one, but I am in the “indoor cat” camp. My cats are happy kids indoors, and there are just too many dangers outside these days depending on where you live – from cars to coyotes. There is a company that makes outdoor enclosures that my cats just love, it’s called KittyWalk. I think it’s KittyWalk

8. And finally, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES let anyone convince you that is okay to declaw your cat!!!! IT IS NOT!!! Declawing a cat is literally amputating it’s fingers at the knuckles. It’s cruel and inhumane. If you have a problem with the idea of cats clawing, then you need not to get a cat.

There are several options to prevent them from clawing things you would rather not have them claw: one is called SoftPaws They are little things you put on their claws. I’ve never used them, but some people like them. What I do is trim their claws (I would like to say regularly, but I do not) and get a cat tree and sisal scratch pad. Cats absolutely love cat trees and will use them to scratch and relax. The two scratch pads I like are these:

turbo-round-scratcherRound Turbo Toy My cats have always loved this, but I guess it might depend on the cat:

Flat Sisal Hanging Scratch Post — but don’t hang it, lay it down next to your couch, or wherever you see might be a problem for them scratching. It’s worked miracles for me.

My cats also love this one:
Cardboard scratch post

Well, I guess that’s about all (and by gosh, don’t you think it ought to be???) 😉

I hope this helps. Have a long and happy life with your new family addition.

All best,

Power Animal: Resourceful Raccoon


Daily Inspiration: Oracle Card for the Day

Today’s Card: RACCOON

You have all the resources you need.

Stop worrying. Trust that what you need will be there when you need it.

Your best resource is you. By using both your intellect and your intuition, you can see things otherwise unseen, to solve the challenges you are faced with.

Card shown is from Power Animal Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer

What is Twittering?

twitter-bluebirdOccasionally I see a new person on twitter saying the same things I did when I first started twittering. “What do you do with this thing?” “It seems so useless.” “What do I write?”

What follows is a conversation I had with my husband over the first couple of days I started twittering.

Him: We need to tweet or die.
Me: What?
Him: We need to tweet. I’m sending you an article on it.
Me. I have an account, I watch the guy on CNN, but I don’t get it.
Him: What don’t you get?
Me: What do people tweet about? What do I care if someone is going to the store?
Him: I’m sending the article. Tweet or die.
Me: Somebody’s “following” me.
Him: Who?
Me: I don’t know, a doctor somebody. She’s following me. I don’t get it. What does she care if I’m going to the store or not?
Him: Well, it’s like having a conversation with someone in a room. Not everything is a pearl. You sit in a room with someone and you tell them, “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Me: I don’t get it.
Me: I’m pathetic.
Him: What?
Me: I’m a pathetic human being and it’s all your fault.
Him: Oh dear god. What did I do?
Me: You said that we need to “tweet or die”
Him: Oh, and your tweeting?
Me: YES! It’s pathetic!
Him: I thought you thought it was stupid?
Me: It IS stupid!
Him: But you’re doing it.
Me: Yes! And you tell me “tweet or die, tweet or die” then you don’t tweet!
Him: So you’ve been tweeting all day?
Me: Well no, not all day, but enough to make me pathetic. Enough to say, “Hey, how come nobody’s tweeting?” I have 6 followers you know.
Him: Well, that’s impressive.
Me: Yeah, but the one person I should be tweeting with won’t tweet with me!
Him: Who’s that?
Me: Grace.
Him: Grace won’t tweet with you? Why not?
Me: Because she’s too busy on Facebook.
Him: Well you know, there’s software now that will send all your tweets to your facebook page.
Me: Silence.
Me: That’s pathetic.
Him: You knew it had to come, didn’t you?
Me: I have to go. I don’t know how I have time to feed the cats when I need to be tweeting. I’ll talk to you later.
I’m so pathetic. I”m a pathetic human being. 😉

Can you talk to two animals at the same time?


Sometimes I get confused when I talk to my guinea pigs since i have two is it possible to talk to both of them at the same time?

You can talk to two animals at the same time. It’s funny sometimes because, sometimes I’ll be talking to one animal and the other will just jump in! They’re like people in that respect, some can be very polite and wait their turn, others have just so much to say and they can’t wait to say it!

Also does your pet know everything that goes on in your head?

That’s a good question. Your pet hears you when you are speaking to them with intent. Think of it this way, you know when you’re at a party and a lot of people are talking? Well, if they’re not talking to you, you don’t really listen or take much notice, but if they are specifically talking to you, you tune in and listen. It’s sort of like that. animal communication

That said, animals can pick up on your energies, and they do understand what you say to them when you speak out loud to them. So if you’re obsessing, for example, on some negative thought, they will pick up on that and you can see it in the way they behave. but I think the main thing is when you speak to them with intent, either vocally or telepathically, they listen. If you’re just going along with your day, well, hey! They have their own thoughts to be busy with! Hope that helps. 🙂

The Hanged Man

Daily Inspiration: Tarot Card for the Day

Today’s Card: The Hanged Man

Have patience.
Trust your intuition.
All you want will manifest by holding onto “calm desire” & faith in the universe.

(Card Featured: Universal Waite
Reproduced with permission of U.S. Games, Inc.)

Wesley the Owl

You will not find a better book on the love of animals this year, than wesley_the_owlWesley the Owl: The Remarkable Love Story of an Owl and His Girl.

One of the fascinating things about “Wesley” is the transformation you see the author, Stacey O’Brien, going through — from a very scientific, analytical mind to an awakening and acceptance of telepathy as a form of communication between humans and animals.

It’s not that the book focuses on that, it’s really a life story about her and wild owl, whom she named “Wesley.” She adopted him at 4 days old when she was working at CalTech, and this is a story that she wrote as a way to release her grief after he died. He was 19 years old. And no matter how bizarre the circumstance of having a wild animal as a companion, and no matter that every once in a while in the book she uses verbiage that is far above my level of intelligence, (and I consider myself to be of moderately high intelligence) there is a commonality in her story that every parent of an animal can easily understand. The little proclivities our animals have, the snuggling, the cuddling, the getting angry when we leave for too long of a time, these are all things we can understand and relate to from our own experience with our pets.

wesley_the_owlBut this book is so much more — this book is a work of art. I am not a big reader of stories, but I could not put this book down. The side stories are fascinating. For instance, her father was good friends with a man she mentions — the man who figured out it was the o-rings that blew up the Challenger. These are the people she associates with on a regular basis. The stories of some of the people she talks about at CalTech are fascinating, creepy, intriguing and more.

It’s not a book I’m recommending to teach you to become an animal communicator, it is on a higher level. It’s funny, it’s fascinating, it’s repelling at times, making you cringe and say “Eeeeewwwwww” out loud and, by the end, will be hard to read through your tears.

I – can’t – recommend – this – book – enough. Wesley the Owl. If you enjoy it even a fraction as much as I did, you will enjoy it, very much, indeed.

Radiant Red

Key words: Life, energy, enthusiasm, vitality, passionate, intense, desire, anger, danger.

rose Red is the color of roses … and the color of apples … and the color of … blood! Yikes! But while our initial vision of blood might be the gore we see in the movies, when you think about it, all of these things have something in common: they all represent life, in one way or another.

When interpreting red in a card, we really are seeing life in all of glory and gory. Red represents everything from enthusiasm to danger, from passion to anger, from vitality to aggression. Probably no other color swings the pendulum quite so broadly across positive and negative meanings.

And we see it everywhere. Red adds life to anything where it resides. It makes pictures pop, people look powerful & confident, it calls attention to stop signs and fire engines.

With red, we couldn’t get any farther than ‘cool, soothing, blue.’ And whereas purple is a highly complex combination of both blue and red, red is simple and straight-forward. Red is hot. It’s element is fire. It’s ruling planet is Mars. Mars energy indicates ‘action,’ ‘drive’ and “will.” Red is Mana, or Life Force. Red commands attention. It’s strong, it’s passionate. The hearts and roses we get (or give) on Valentine’s Day make a dramatic statement of our love.

Red is also the color of the root chakra. It represents our base instinct for security and survival … ie: to live. And to live means living both sides of the spectrum. Being surrounded by too much red makes us stressful and tense. And while as passionate and enthusiastic as red can be in certain circumstances, taken to the extreme, red can also represent the evil & danger associated with that “red guy:” The Devil.

As far as learning the symbolism of red, it’s a walk in the park. Think about all the things that are red. No need to struggle, it’s everywhere you turn. Remember? It’s Life.

To interpret red in a tarot reading consider these connotations:

Positive & Neutral Connotations:
— Energy, enthusiasm, vitality
— Strength, power, confidence
— Motivation, action, will/willpower
— Ambition, drive, goal oriented
— Love, passion, intensity

Negative Connotations
— Danger, aggression
— Anger, Emotional outbursts
— Controlling, Impulsive
— Evil, destruction

Sample Interpretation with Red:

Deck: Universal Waite, Pocket Edition
Card: Temperance

Here we have an angel. This angel stands tall in a beautiful wetlands with one foot in the water and the other on the earth, pouring water from one cup to another, in perfect harmony and balance.

temperanceIndeed, much in this card connotes balance, and the red in the wings, infused with purple (spirituality) and crowned by orange (compassion) is no different. The message of this card, if the color of the wings are standing out to you, may be that through compassion, non-judgement, and the channeling our energies into more spiritual realms, one might be more easily capable of expressing anger appropriately, keeping emotional outbursts, or controlling and/or destructive behaviors, in check.

Alternatively, we might look at the red in the wings as that of love, compassion and spirituality: ie. that divine love that most who are on a spiritual journey seek. There is a spiritual & emotional serenity in this card in that we have not only the purple in the wings, but a lot of blues and the water in the foreground. But the red in the wings commands our attention to understand the power, passion and energy of tapping into the life force (mana) of listening to the messages that are communicated to us via our guardian angels.

As always, meanings change with every reading for every querent. Choose one or two key words that are meaningful to you for that specific reading.

Pictures from the Heart: A Tarot Dictionary by Sandra A. Thomson
Color Magic for Beginners by Richard Webster
— A. Venefica’s Tarot Teachings

You can also post comments on Spiritcaat’s Tarot Forum

Is Clairvoyance Dangerous?


“I find that I have fears of being clairvoyant. And it’s kind of odd as to what I’m afraid of. With animals, I have no problem attempting to communicate with one who has passed on. ghost_painting But I find that I have fears of seeing people who have passed on. I’m sure that the images of all the ghost movies that I’ve seen over the course of my life has something to do with it, not that I’ve seen a lot of them.

Maybe it was as [you] mentioned …. how humans are “conditional” and animals are not. I know that animals are pure good and don’t have hidden agendas like a lot of humans do. Maybe I’m afraid of their potential hidden agendas harming me and that’s why I’m afraid to see them, and therefore creating clairvoyant blocks for myself.

[Do you] have any ideas as to how I can lessen these fears? Can [you] tell me what the souls of people look like to them? Are they scary and gruesome like some of the scary movies? I guess this is something that I want to work on.”

Good question. First of all, I do — absolutely — believe your fears are based on Hollywood’s depiction of ‘ghosts.’ Most people with any type of experience in the area don’t even like the word, we prefer the word ‘spirits.’

Second of all, you already are clairvoyant. When you speak with an animal and you get a vision of what they are communicating, you are using clairvoyance. When you get a feeling, you are using ‘clair-sentience.’ When you hear sounds, you are using ‘clairaudience.’ It doesn’t just have to do with people who have passed on, clairvoyance is anytime you “see” something via telepathic means.

You use that sense to communicate with animals. I use that sense when I read someone’s cards. John Edward uses that sense — that “sixth sense” – when he communicates with beings who have crossed over.

Now, another thing to remember, is what I said in a previous post about animals, unconditional love, and humans and judgement, this is based on what these being’s lives were like when they walked the earth. When spirits communicate with us from the other side, they do so by using an energy that we can easily understand, and the energy that we understand is how they were on this earth. But the etherial body is not something to fear and is not necessarily based in human or animal form.

Many cultures believe, as do I, that when we reincarnate, we can reincarnate as other types of beings. angel_sunFor humans to believe that they are the superior species is highly egotistical, something that is unique to human beings. Other species don’t have that type of ego. Personally, I believe that makes them superior to us in many ways … certainly much more spiritual.

Because we have brains, we have let our telepathy skills shrivel up and die, to the point that, as you said in a previous post, we beat it out of our kids. But, really, which is the more superior being with respect to being ‘closer to spirit?’ Certainly, this is a debatable question, but one worthy of discussion.

You have seen spirits, I’m sure. Have you ever had anyone close to you die: a person or an animal? Have they ever come to you in a dream? When I saw James Van Praagh speak, one thing he said was that is the most common way spirits communicate with us. However, outside of that, when people do ‘see’ a spirit, that spirit is going to present itself in the way you can best recognize it.

A friend of my mom’s saw the spirit of my father once. My mom wasn’t in the room, the friend had never met my father but described him to my mom, down to the type of shirt he had, one that she recognized from life, and the unique way he stood with his finger crooked in his pocket.

Most spirits are not out to hurt anyone. The type of spirits that John Edward communicates with, and I hope to communicate with as a medium, are spirits who have crossed over. They have lived their life here and have other things to do on the other side. Many times, those other things include helping us as spirit guides. (Spirit guides have lived a physical life, angels have not.) The ones most depicted in the movies, and the ones who are most well-known as “ghosts,” are spirits who have become confused in some way during their passing.

For instance, if a person is violently murdered ‘before his/her time’ (which is a theory debatable in and of itself) they may not realize they are dead. When this happens, that spirit’s soul gets “caught” in a sort of ‘no man’s land’ between this physical dimension and the dimension on the other side. Most times they may haunt places that are familiar to them and which comfort them. The best thing a medium can do for them is to help them understand that they are dead and help them move on into the light.

Think “Ghost” with Patrick Swayze. It’s like that. Only in that way, they portrayed it as a spirit which stayed to help a loved one. Not impossible, but very Hollywood. That’s the drama. In reality, yes, there are a lot of spirits that walk the earth because they don’t know they are no longer in physical body, but when you hear about ‘mediums,’ many are connecting with people who have ‘crossed over’ rather than finding those who haven’t.

There is really no reason to be afraid of connecting with spirits. There are certainly energies out there that can be harmful, but that is why all psychics, as you probably do with AC, have some sort of protection ritual. nebula We surround ourselves with protective white light so that we allow only positive energies to connect with us.

OTOH, we have all had the experience of “psychic vampires.’ These might be people in the physical world who suck you dry of your energy! I bet you know people like that! One really good book, if I remember correctly, which addressed the fear that you speak of is a book called, So You Want To Be A Medium. That type of fear is sort of like the stigma of the Ouija Board. The board and using it isn’t dangerous, what is dangerous is people using it when they have not protected themselves properly, and when they believe so strongly that it is dangerous, that they create and draw in the energy that they fear most.

Remember that energy is energy. You need to protect yourself from bad energy from people in the physical world every bit as much as those in the spirit world. I’d go more into psychic vampires, but maybe that’s a subject for another post

Suffice is to say, you are in control of what energy you allow into your life just like you are in control of who walks into your house. You wouldn’t just leave your doors opened or unlocked all the time, would you? Of course not. So this is what psychics and mediums — and animal communicators — do. We surround ourselves with protective light because we are opening a door to our psyches and our souls. We are in control of who we invite in and who we do not.

Anyway, this is a big subject for a small post, but hopefully I’ve put your mind at ease somewhat. As far as what you might do, I really suggest the John Edward book (One Last Time It’s really interesting. I couldn’t put it down.

How exciting for you, though, that you are opening a new door in your life to learn about things you never knew before. For me, that’s what living is all about. It’s such fun. I hope I helped.


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