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Wesley the Owl

You will not find a better book on the love of animals this year, than wesley_the_owlWesley the Owl: The Remarkable Love Story of an Owl and His Girl.

One of the fascinating things about “Wesley” is the transformation you see the author, Stacey O’Brien, going through — from a very scientific, analytical mind to an awakening and acceptance of telepathy as a form of communication between humans and animals.

It’s not that the book focuses on that, it’s really a life story about her and wild owl, whom she named “Wesley.” She adopted him at 4 days old when she was working at CalTech, and this is a story that she wrote as a way to release her grief after he died. He was 19 years old. And no matter how bizarre the circumstance of having a wild animal as a companion, and no matter that every once in a while in the book she uses verbiage that is far above my level of intelligence, (and I consider myself to be of moderately high intelligence) there is a commonality in her story that every parent of an animal can easily understand. The little proclivities our animals have, the snuggling, the cuddling, the getting angry when we leave for too long of a time, these are all things we can understand and relate to from our own experience with our pets.

wesley_the_owlBut this book is so much more — this book is a work of art. I am not a big reader of stories, but I could not put this book down. The side stories are fascinating. For instance, her father was good friends with a man she mentions — the man who figured out it was the o-rings that blew up the Challenger. These are the people she associates with on a regular basis. The stories of some of the people she talks about at CalTech are fascinating, creepy, intriguing and more.

It’s not a book I’m recommending to teach you to become an animal communicator, it is on a higher level. It’s funny, it’s fascinating, it’s repelling at times, making you cringe and say “Eeeeewwwwww” out loud and, by the end, will be hard to read through your tears.

I – can’t – recommend – this – book – enough. Wesley the Owl. If you enjoy it even a fraction as much as I did, you will enjoy it, very much, indeed.

Interview with Marta Williams

We have a new feature: Interviews with professionals. We are so fortunate to have our first interview with one of the most well-known and well-respected communicators in the field: Marta Williams.

marta_williamsMarta has written three books:
Learning Their Language,
Beyond Words, and
Ask Your Animal.

I have only read her first book, Learning Their Language: Intuitive Communication with Animals and Nature, but I absolutely love it. I can’t think of a better book for a new AC’er to start with. It has great exercises and is written in an easy to read style.

I did a workshop with Marta and it was wonderful. She is a natural teacher, as you can easily see by not only her interview itself, but by her taking the time to give it to us. You can find her at her website here.

So, I hope you find her words of wisdom helpful in your quest to become the best animal communicator … ever!


• How do you describe animal communication to those who are unfamiliar with what it is?

I describe it as hits and hunches that we get intuitively that give us some unexplained and unsolicited information about something. Everyone can relate to having an intuitive hunch about a person or about some proposed activity. Communicating with animals intuitively has the same feeling as this only its more controlled and more drawn out. When you get a hunch or it from your intuition it can come in as an idea, a word or phrase in your mind, an image in your mind’s eye, and a feeling.

• What tips would you give to students of animal communication who are just starting out?

Take what you get without trying to spruce it up or make it right. The best way to achieve accuracy is to go with the first impression that comes to you and record it exactly as it comes in. Then go to the next one and so on. If you can keep it this simple you’ll be home free.

• Can you share some easily verifiable questions to ask the animals for people just starting out?

Some good ones are:

Tell me who else you live with (people and animals) – what do they look like and how do you feel about them?

Is there anything you are worried about? (If you get a yes ask what)

Has anything changed in your life recently? (If you get a yes ask what)

• Do you lean more towards getting your messages visually, audibly, or sentiently, or is it a combination of all? Does it change with each animal?

I get a combination and it does vary with the animal and truthfully I completely don’t worry about how information is coming in, the form, I just work on capturing it accurately. If I want something as a picture or as words I ask the animal to send it to me that way.

• Do you use the sense of smell or taste? If so, how does one become more proficient at that?

I use it for lost animal cases to get information on where they might be and to get clues. You just ask for it from every animal you talk to. So you could ask the animal to send you a favorite taste or smell, but watch out for those species differences….

• Why do you do what you do (communicate with animals)? And how do you feel it benefits humanity? How do you feel it benefits the animals?

It helps animals get their needs met and be able to tell people how they feel and what they need. It also helps animals demonstrate to people the depth of their intelligence, emotion and spirituality. I believe that humans and the natural world used to be in constant connection through intuitive communication and that humans used to consider themselves truly just a part of a nature and they considered nature a community of equals. It’s all alive, It’s all intelligent……
By bringing this skill back to modern humans I hope I am helping to reconstruct that connection of all living things.

• What would you recommend to students who are juggling with their full time jobs and/or school and/or children and trying to squeeze in time to do AC?

Work with your own animals every day. It only takes a minute. Do the exercise Ask For a Question. Ask your animal if he or she has a question for you. Whatever question occurs to you assume it is from your animal and answer as best you can. Then ask for another question and answer that one. Keep asking until the questions stop.

• When skeptics challenge you, how do you handle it? Do you answer at all, and if so, how do you respond?

I’m not too interested in convincing skeptics. There are plenty of people who are interested and want to learn how to do this. However, students can be very skeptical of their own ability. In that regard I have developed techniques they can use to prove to themselves that this ability is real using verifiable exercises. Each of my books includes such exercises. You are actually your own worst critic so once you prove it to yourself it really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.


Great interview. Thanks, Marta!

First Steps to Animal Communication

Steps to getting started in your first communications

— Close your eyes, take at least three deep breaths. With each exhale, imagine all negative energy draining out the bottom of your feet and disintegrating in the earth below.

cairoWith each inhale, imagine breathing in pure white light from the universe.

As all of the negative energy leaves your body, imagine the white light filling up all that space. When there is no space left in your body, imagine that white light (I imagine it with beautiful little gold or blue sparkling specks) flowing out over the top of your head and engulfing your body like a cocoon.

– Ask the universe, or your higher self, or whatever source you choose, to help you connect with the animal you are about to speak with.

— See the animal in it’s environment. Take a moment to sit quietly with him or her and get a feel for his/her ‘feline-ality’, ‘canine-ality’ ‘esquine-ality’ etc.

Remember that every animal has it’s own personality, just as humans do. Some are outgoing and talkative and will start talking before you know what hit you. Others are shy and reserved. Some are funny, some are serious, etc.

Feel the personality, just like you would when meeting a human, so that you get a feel for boundaries and conversational approach.

— Remember common courtesy. Remember that you are coming out of the blue to these animals, introduce yourself and ask their permission to speak with them.

— Have a ‘conversation’ with them. If their person has given you questions, that’s fine, but don’t pepper them as if they are being interrogated. Work the questions into the ‘conversation.’

— It’s rude in any circles to just leave a conversation without saying goodbye, show the same courtesy to animals.

— … For doing such a good job. Because, surely, you did.

• Start slow and keep the conversation light.

• Don’t try to ‘fix’ a behavioral problem until you have learned more, you might make it worse.

• Have fun with it. It’s not brain surgery, and most animals are giving and grateful for the attention.

• Remember that the best way to learn and gain confidence is to simply ‘jump in’ and get experience. The more validation you receive, the more confidence you will achieve. But you can’t get the validation without taking the risk: conversing and presenting it to the animal’s person.

• If you’re still uncomfortable jumping in, consider speaking to an animal of one of the communicators on the board. We fully understand what you’re feeling.

(To practice communicating with animals, visit the
Spiritcaat Animal Communication Practice Forum.