Tarot Card Recommendations

Tarot Deck Recommendations

Tarot Decks:
RWS Clones
Mini & Pocket Sized Cards RWS Derivatives Oracle Decks Self-Help Decks
RWS_Centennial_Deck Universal_Waite_Pocket_Deck Druid_Craft_Tarot Mana_cards Cheryl_Richardson_Cards

The Rider-Waite-Smith deck (often referred to as RWS) is the most famous and well-used tarot deck. It is this deck which you will find examples of in most tarot books because it is the “Gold Standard” of tarot decks. Because of it’s rich symbolism, it is the influence of many other beautiful decks. While may be tempted to learn on another type of deck, if you are brand new to the tarot, I suggest you start with the classic “Rider Waite Smith” deck, or a  “RWS Clone.”

Clone decks use the same imagery, but have different color variations. My personal belief is that the RWS deck and it’s clones are the very best choice for a beginning student of the tarot. If you learn on the RWS deck, you will be able to move on and read 80-90% of the other decks on the market. There is a reason it is the most well-known, most well-used deck. You can see video of some favorites, HERE

Decks on these pages are my personal recommendations and include RWS decks, Clones & Derivatives, as well as  oracle and self-help decks. Keep I’m mind that many more decks have come out since I last updated this page.